نبذة عن الكتاب:
Do you want to learn about the Egyptian judicial system and its basic principles? Do you want to understand how the judiciary maintains its independence, integrity, efficiency and effectiveness in light of political, social and economic challenges? Do you want to follow the development of the judiciary from ancient times to the modern era?
If your answer is yes, do not hesitate to read this book, which provides you with a comprehensive, objective, and updated vision of the Egyptian judiciary and its role in achieving justice, rights, and freedoms.
لتصفح الفهرس أضغط هنا
قانون مرافعات
فتحي والي
محمد عبد النبي السيد غانم
محمود مختار عبد المغيث محمد
احمد محمد حشيش
فهيمة احمد على القماري
علي بركات
احمد خليفة شرقاوي احمد
محمد إبراهيم
محمد سليمان محمد عبد الرحمن